LIVING ON A TREE, filling eternal life with impressionism.

Siberia. Winter. The calendar shows mid-December. The frost outside is below 30 and... sun and... snow and... beauty. Well, just at this time spring comes to my gardens on the windowsills. One of those who like to bloom at this time is the dendrobium orchid. Its snow-white flowers with crumpled petals adorn its trunk for about three weeks. I tried to take photographs of her flowers more than once. It seems to me that there is some beginning in them, the beginning of natural impressionism. In order to emphasize this, I chose films with different emulsions. I'll start with the most unpredictable - with the long-expired Konica. The choice of this film is not accidental. I have described my attitude towards Konica several times. The new experience only strengthened my opinion of this film.…
#Siberia #winter #december #orchid #flowers #dendrobium #impressionism

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