Downtown Tulsa R3

Third roll of a recent shoot in downtown #Tulsa with a friend. It was starting to get dark/dusk at this point and the buildings created a lot of dark/shade so the shots are nice an contrasty.

3 댓글

  1. vicuna
    vicuna ·

    just bought this super wide heliar 15mm for my Minolta CLE & Canon P (as it's the LTM mount version). Can't wait to test it! :))

  2. alienmeatsack
    alienmeatsack ·

    @vicuna You are going to love it. It's field of view is just amazing and the images it makes are uniquely wonderful. FYI, set it to f/8 or higher and focus at 1M and -everything- is in focus. During the summer I shoot f/16 or f/11 at 1M and just aim and shoot. Great for speeding up capturing moments, street and action when focusing wastes valuable seconds.

  3. vicuna
    vicuna ·

    yeah, that's what i love with such wide angle lenses, don't neet to loose time to focus precisely, and it's perfect for quick shooting. And it comes with the 15mm voigtlander viewfinder as well :)

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