5 댓글

  1. koduckgirl
    koduckgirl ·

    I love the turquoise best and these are all very cool cheers and thanx so much for the recent visits and likes too

  2. xsara
    xsara ·

    Thank you for comment @koduckgirl!
    Now I am researching to decide.

  3. headonthegrass
    headonthegrass ·

    @xsara great shots, I think I like both :) any tip about the iso set up?

  4. xsara
    xsara ·

    Thank you @headonthegrass! I recommend ISO 400 or 800 for turquoise effect.

  5. headonthegrass
    headonthegrass ·

    @xsara thank you very much!!

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