
Loaded my Perfekt with a roll of home-redscaled Ultramax and went panorama-hunting in Guildford.

7 댓글

  1. buckshot
    buckshot ·

    This is not a double exposure: I shot it through the window of a tailor's shop, and the street was reflected in the glass. Technically, it's a 'selfie' — that's me reflected in the mirror on the right at the back of the shop.

  2. andrejrusskovskij
    andrejrusskovskij ·


  3. troch
    troch ·

    Love it!!!!!!!

  4. elvis
    elvis ·

    epic !

  5. adi_totp
    adi_totp ·


  6. hervinsyah
    hervinsyah ·


  7. bravopires
    bravopires ·


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