Answer: Huge! Good grief, my jaw is still sore from where it hit the floor after scanning these. :)

12 댓글

  1. kleeblatt
    kleeblatt ·

    these are awesome !

  2. yago56
    yago56 ·

    This is huge; great image with perfect sharpness

  3. grazie
    grazie ·

    omg!!!! great image and wow that camera!!!!! 6x17! I have to see it hehe

  4. onkel-m
    onkel-m ·

    Really big and great !!!

  5. superlighter
    superlighter ·

    wtf! this is the john holmes camera!

  6. bravopires
    bravopires ·

    Fantastic album! Love all images!

  7. twizzer88
    twizzer88 ·

    Reminds me of Northwest England!

  8. atria007
    atria007 ·


  9. why-yu
    why-yu ·

    cool album!!

  10. roundmidnight
    roundmidnight ·

    Excellent !

  11. kibs
    kibs ·

    Wow!! Yep, these are jaw dropping awesome!

  12. trw
    trw ·

    I can't believe the detail you get in these! The windows are just amazing.

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