Kodak Bantam, 1930's folding 828 roll film camera. I have not yet finished the test roll in this little aluminum beauty... There's a nice folding viewfinder on it and it folds up to a very small pocketable unit. Charming little thing but the film is a major pain in the ass to find.

Canon 7E
Gill, MA
United States
Trip Down Vintage Lane, Cam Porn Content!

4 댓글

  1. sierravictor
    sierravictor ·

    Nice collection of cameraes you have there! About the 828-film: Check out these guys. I don't know if they are still selling 828-film but check it out:
    Look at "film" and "film for older cameraes" . It says "out of stock". Does that mean that they don't make them anymore? I don't know.

  2. clickiemcpete
    clickiemcpete ·

    @sierravictor, yeah, they are out of it. Believe me, I have looked everywhere. I picked up some fresh rerolled film from Ebay recently but it looks like no one has it in stock right now. Hopefully FFClassics will do another run at some point though.

  3. wuxiong
    wuxiong ·

    Such a great collections, some of the modles are never seen before...<:)

  4. adi_totp
    adi_totp ·

    I'm with @wuxiong here.. thanks for sharing :D

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