6 댓글

  1. spoeker
    spoeker ·

    ohhh fingerstache!!

  2. pepper-b
    pepper-b ·


  3. lomoteddy
    lomoteddy ·

    clever :)

  4. bloomchen
    bloomchen ·

    hi, would you submit this pic of yours to the moustache-section of the new collection-section? i´d like to add it there. thanks. this is the new section: www.lomograph(…)collections
    have a great day, take care,
    à la… bloomchen

  5. superlighter
    superlighter ·

    @bloomchen I don't understand what's this new collection-section, however the link don't work! :)

  6. superlighter
    superlighter ·

    @bloomchen done! :))

More photos by superlighter