7 댓글

  1. chroniczny
    chroniczny ·


  2. renaishashin
    renaishashin ·

    Haha! I almost fooled by you! XD

  3. lawypop
    lawypop ·

    @renaishashin : u thot someone really on the vespa huh? :P

  4. renaishashin
    renaishashin ·

    YEA!!! HAHA!

  5. dogma
    dogma ·

    WoW it looks like real!

  6. stefanihsukma
    stefanihsukma ·

    haha so cute!

  7. eremigi
    eremigi ·

    Great: exploits all the peculiarities of pinhole. And it is humorous. Love it !

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