Happy Colchicum.

Siberia. Garden. The first days of autumn. A happy Colchicum, also commonly known as autumn crocus, meadow saffron or naked ladies, as always, does not notice the time - it begins to bloom just in September. #Colchicum #crocus #saffron #Siberia #autumn #flowers #Konica

19 댓글

  1. lostdata
    lostdata ·


  2. awa-awa
    awa-awa ·

    Dear lostdata.
    Thank you for your attention, opinion and rating.
    Today 110 format turned out to be very inconvenient for me. And it all starts with the development ... Therefore, for me, every pixel of a 110-format photo is worth its weight in gold. In this situation, your comments are especially pleasant.

  3. stereograph
    stereograph ·

    @awa-awa great shot though!
    so true! but the format is so nice, so historic!
    i built an acme spool to develop my 110er at home.
    110 zoom SLR Ior II? i use the MK I.

  4. awa-awa
    awa-awa ·

    Dear stereograph.
    Thank you for your attention, opinion and ratings.
    Thanks for the question. This photo was taken with a MINOLTA 110 Zoom Mark II SLR Film Camera. For me, MINOLTA 110 Zoom cameras provide a very important advantage. An additional viewfinder for 35 mm MINOLTA fits without an adapter to MINOLTA 110 Zoom . This is exactly what allows me to photograph flowers.

  5. stereograph
    stereograph ·

    @awa-awa thats true! i have the viewfinder and use it often on my SRT-101.
    its a pitty that it don't fit on the MK I.

  6. awa-awa
    awa-awa ·

    You need a viewfinder for the MINOLTA X series. These are very handy viewfinders. They differ from SRT not only in connection, but also in constracshion. They have the ability to increase the magnification up to 2.5. I recommend. The viewfinder for MINOLTA 110 MK I/MK II is a thing that makes its owner reale more a little bit happier.

  7. stereograph
    stereograph ·

    @awa-awa Ah, good to know!
    thank you so much for the advice!
    the onboard viewfinder is the biggest problem of the cam! :-)

  8. stereograph
    stereograph ·

    @awa-awa can you send me a link were i can find a photo of it?

  9. awa-awa
  10. stereograph
    stereograph ·

    @awa-awa ah, i have this for my SRT's it doesn't fit on the MK 1! :-)
    Actually i read it on a camera site once that the MK II's greatest advantage is this fitting!

  11. awa-awa
  12. awa-awa
    awa-awa ·

    Dear stereograph
    I can check tomorrow if it is suitable for MARK 1. Haven't used for a long time MARK 1.

  13. stereograph
    stereograph ·

    @awa-awa Thanks!
    on one photo there is this plate,
    this looks like an adapter that could fit in the MK 1.

  14. awa-awa
    awa-awa ·

    Dear stereograph
    I hasten to inform and apologize. I was wrong. It is impossible to attach the viewfinder MINOLTA seria X or SEGAL or .... to the MINOLTA 110 mark 1 camera in a standard way. This possibility exists only for MINOLTA 110 Mark 2. The adapters supplied with the SEGAL viewfinder are not intended for this.

  15. stereograph
    stereograph ·

    @awa-awa its a pity, but that was was i thought!
    this would be a job for a 3d printer i guess! Thanks for caring! :-)

  16. mihaid4
    mihaid4 ·

    Amazing photos! I'm also thinking about buying a 110 camera, I am undecided between the Minolta 110 SLR first version, the second version, the Rollei A110 and the Pentax Auto 110. Ah... hope i'll take a decision soon.

  17. awa-awa
    awa-awa ·

    Dear MIHAID4.
    Thank you for your attention, opinion and emotions.
    As a thank you answer, two tips. First, before buying 110 format cameras, you need to decide where you will develop this film and what to scan on. Moreover, both should be available to you in all respects and qualitatively. And the second is the choice of cameras. I would divide the entire range of 110 format cameras into two fundamentally different classes - pocket cameras, and miniature cameras of the usual layout, including MINOLTA and the first and second and Pentax 110. Of course, each of them is the quintessence of engineering, endless in terms of knowledge and getting pleasure. In my opinion, the decisive factor that determines the ultimate quality of a 110-format image is the quality of the available film and the frame size. Today, these are significant relative limitations. Relative compared to other photo opportunities. Therefore, in my opinion, when using 110 format, the role of the photographer is especially important - his plan, his sniper skills, his ability to shoot accurately and on time. In my opinion, more versatile pocket versions of 110 format cameras are more suitable for this. I draw your attention to the fact that there are more options to choose from than you have listed. When choosing 110 format cameras, it is important to pay attention to the type of batteries they use and the ability to preset ISO or adjust exposure.
    Of course, these are the top notes of this pleasure. But I would like to gift them to you for your was attention to my few photographs in this format. I hope I didn't bore you with this.

  18. mihaid4
    mihaid4 ·

    Thank you so much for your rich explanations! It must have taken a lot of time to detail all these aspects! So I am very grateful, especially since I am a beginner in film photography! I hope I will find a perfect match when it comes to my 110 camera and I will ask at my local developer if they do 110 film too (i really hope so). But it should be ok, Bucharest is a big city and there are around 10 developing stores. Many thanks, again, and keep enchanting us with your lovely photos ^_^ Mihai

  19. awa-awa
    awa-awa ·

    Dear Mihai.
    You're right. My native Russian takes up a lot of my time. Especially when you really want to write in non-native English... But it's interesting.
    Thanks for the retort. Only pleasant discoveries to you.

More photos by awa-awa