Zenit 11 Summer 2013

Some shots made with my Zenit 11. Love this camera!!!

5 댓글

  1. lichtschilder
    lichtschilder ·

    enjoy! hope it tasted good too!

  2. koduckgirl
    koduckgirl ·

    looks yummy piroggis? mmm good! nice album cheers and thanx for the many recent likes!!!!

  3. sadiestoker
    sadiestoker ·

    what's that ?

  4. zorki
    zorki ·

    @sadiestoker: piroggis. it's a little bit similar to samosa. tasty! ;)

  5. sadiestoker
    sadiestoker ·

    it looks very similar to a kind of taiwanese food--which i don't know how to translate into chinese XD
    it looks like this :

    it's a food that we stuff glutinous rice and peanuts into pig's large intestine.
    you must feel terrible but it's really tasty actually XD !

More photos by zorki