Tulip Squares and Sprockets

Mid may and Spring has just arrived in Calgary. I shot these tulips at Olympic Plaza using various films. I really love the Velvia and Agfachrome results.

9 댓글

  1. chikumumu
    chikumumu ·

    wow!! stunning (:

  2. le_ors
    le_ors ·

    this is marvelous.

  3. muffins_dreams
    muffins_dreams ·

    Super great !

  4. weedos
    weedos ·


  5. troch
    troch ·

    Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. lo-peach
    lo-peach ·


  7. simonesavo
    simonesavo ·


  8. kikifrenger
    kikifrenger ·

    It's REAL

  9. iamtheju
    iamtheju ·

    One of my favourite photos on lomography! So simple and real and vibrant at the same time.

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