back again

with some more shots from spain, took a walk to cala san pedro. after no scanning and shooting for more than 3 month i hope i have more time again now...

11 댓글

  1. japsix
    japsix ·


  2. koduckgirl
    koduckgirl ·

    So stunning love this film!

  3. vivie
    vivie ·


  4. scrabbyknees
    scrabbyknees ·

    waiting to pounce!

  5. haziqhashim
    haziqhashim ·

    cute cat

  6. goma
    goma ·


  7. satcom
    satcom ·

    tolle farbgebung

  8. barack31
    barack31 ·

    How can I hate any cat picture especially one taken with a lomography camera.

  9. simonesavo
    simonesavo ·


  10. mariskaviska
    mariskaviska ·


  11. magicllama
    magicllama ·

    Love it!

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