Diana Mini - DIY Redscale

Developed in Tetenal C41 kit

4 댓글

  1. marcus_loves_film
    marcus_loves_film ·

    love this shot with the steam (smoke?) rising upward!

  2. jutei
    jutei ·

    Thanks for the likes! I like this too, took it from my car in traffic lights. I was pleased that I happened to look right while waiting :)

  3. oriyagirl
    oriyagirl ·

    industrial my love

  4. peter_jurrett
    peter_jurrett ·

    Hi, this comment is due in part of the Lomography Spring Into Shape Campaign.
    Despite of the commercial purpose of this initiative, I really liked this shot.
    I always take respect for every lomographer's work.
    Have a nice day!

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