nightshots from a bridge

it is fun to do nightshots of highways. the results are always so different. this time i chose a velvia 100 but i must say the choice of provia 100 last time was better. but it could be that i exposed a little bit too long (max. 20 sec.) so the colours became a bit pale or better not so intense.

this time police stopped by and asked what i was doing. i was on my way home from frisbee training and still with my jersey and a down jacket. so the one guy eyeballed me and he had this facial expression of: why the hell is this guy running around with running shorts + shorts and a polar down jacket and takes photos of car driving by.

41 댓글

  1. deepfried_goodness
    deepfried_goodness ·


  2. nia_ffm
    nia_ffm ·

    Sehr cool!

  3. srmarcus
    srmarcus ·

    Wuauuuu! I like it!

  4. vici
    vici ·

    this photo is totally worth the harassment.

  5. clickiemcpete
    clickiemcpete ·

    I love it!

  6. alexaouaoua
    alexaouaoua ·


  7. darwin1974
    darwin1974 ·


  8. marta1901
    marta1901 ·

    amazing <3

  9. dida
    dida ·

    wooooow fantastic!!!!

  10. mafiosa
    mafiosa ·

    Super <3 Reminds me of @hodachrome:)

  11. gauthierdumonde
    gauthierdumonde ·

    Epic !

  12. bloomchen
    bloomchen ·

    @mafiosa: that´s a compliment. thanks. but i´m by far not that perfect. in fact this shot was a 1st-try. the problem with taking such an "overhead"-double with the lubitel is exactly the overhead-layer. so i used my tripod and the ball-head to swing it from left to right and then later turn the picture 90 degrees. so it was clear that it´s not exactly symmetric (easy to see on the street sign on the right which is not visible on the other layer). but i´m really happy with the result. what i need a solution for in matters of more double-mightshots is that the viewfinder is hard to check. mainly in the corners it´s almost impossible to avoid having unwanted things on the pic.

  13. ohlordy
    ohlordy ·

    this is beautiful!

  14. hervinsyah
    hervinsyah ·


  15. adash
    adash ·


  16. dreadlockboy
    dreadlockboy ·

    yeah :O

  17. earlybird
    earlybird ·


  18. gigisco
    gigisco ·


  19. wafflesaurus
    wafflesaurus ·

    Like it a lot! And funny story ;) :D

  20. devildi
    devildi ·

    GRSSARTIG !!!!

  21. lostlittlekid
    lostlittlekid ·


  22. kleeblatt
    kleeblatt ·

    sehr toll !

  23. alexes
    alexes ·


  24. istionojr
    istionojr ·


  25. sobetion
    sobetion ·


  26. shoujoai
    shoujoai ·

    abgefahrene Farben

  27. grazie
    grazie ·


  28. lienchen
    lienchen ·


  29. maria_vlachou
    maria_vlachou ·


  30. grinningcat
    grinningcat ·


  31. lgcorporativo
    lgcorporativo ·


  32. hodachrome
    hodachrome ·

    I really like your recent highway series, and especially this one is outstanding to me.
    Tender tones, rich colours and moderate contrast... Your works make me feel trying highway-double again, with new ideas :)

  33. mariskaviska
    mariskaviska ·

    lobe it ^^

  34. simonesavo
    simonesavo ·


  35. laurenpeppiatt
    laurenpeppiatt ·

    Just WOW

  36. buckshot
    buckshot ·

    Krazy kool...!

  37. fraumuellerdenktnach
    fraumuellerdenktnach ·


  38. fraumuellerdenktnach
    fraumuellerdenktnach ·

    You are a magician!

  39. fraumuellerdenktnach
    fraumuellerdenktnach ·

    You are a magician!

  40. fragakis_p
    fragakis_p ·

    love it!

  41. crismiranda
    crismiranda ·

    Awesome album!

More photos by bloomchen