nightshots from a bridge

it is fun to do nightshots of highways. the results are always so different. this time i chose a velvia 100 but i must say the choice of provia 100 last time was better. but it could be that i exposed a little bit too long (max. 20 sec.) so the colours became a bit pale or better not so intense.

this time police stopped by and asked what i was doing. i was on my way home from frisbee training and still with my jersey and a down jacket. so the one guy eyeballed me and he had this facial expression of: why the hell is this guy running around with running shorts + shorts and a polar down jacket and takes photos of car driving by.

6 댓글

  1. rainboow
    rainboow ·


  2. superlighter
    superlighter ·

    wonderful night shot!

  3. blasson
    blasson ·

    Too good!

  4. simonesavo
    simonesavo ·


  5. steamtug1959
    steamtug1959 ·

    Super !!!!!

  6. bloomchen
    bloomchen ·

    @steamtug1959 Danke für die Likes und den Besuch und die Kommentare!

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