14 댓글

  1. aka_papu
  2. mlchaelbexley
    mlchaelbexley ·

    Congratulations For POTD !

  3. akula
    akula ·

    Congratulations on POTD

  4. gesp
    gesp ·

    Congrats on POTD! Nice shot!

  5. marcoyeti56
    marcoyeti56 ·

    I'm happy for your photo of the day

  6. aka_papu
    aka_papu ·

    @mlchaelbexley thanks a lot!

  7. aka_papu
    aka_papu ·

    @akula thank you kind!

  8. aka_papu
    aka_papu ·

    @gesp thanks a lot!

  9. aka_papu
    aka_papu ·

    @marcoyeti56 thank you very kind!

  10. nuo2x2
    nuo2x2 ·

    a bit late, but congrats on POTD! well deserved, lovely shot

  11. aka_papu
    aka_papu ·

    @nuo2x2 thank you very much my friend!

  12. aka_papu
    aka_papu ·

    thank you all for helping me reach this new record (300 likes!)
    @solairerove @konsoquence @angela_masella @fededonatini @lhuluberlu @dannykeighobadi @mrsquiver @grzesiort @revierphoto @bunt @ekeupratama @taraville @kakuna @oksman @evilpete @lilizoe @victoriaponcet @stevejack0 @picturedlife @nwinther @velvetanalogue @yaszesin @agapanto @emschermaedel @lisasven @iif @-magic-_-life- @jyau @elaparisi @ltinuviel @annika_schwermut @la_magia @yailia @hanibale @zii @crazy_little_red_riding_hood @natachathomas @wildfaby @bohdan_k @alessandrovnz @emlem @lomaugustry @nat4ever @yusuketk @acreamer @alibaba_40 @null_ente @joaovicente31 @antiuspeh @artnomad @dario_mag @zoldlotus @opietro @zphil @mellow @saralannot @davidsand @crismiranda @co_lens @amanachan @polyana_ko @lena1111 @wdaryw @ofchanceandchoice @raulph @zoloto @35mm_film @gmbernsteing @myplainlife @achimx @shhquiet @gonchaaaarov @wiese @solinvictus @captainfantastic @safiyehacialioglu @diptych @zeynepgokturk @jbasco @mike3636 @khaldon_khalil @vozac100posto @momomomomo @dila_ @reru @blikka @ilkka11 @gery90 @alenachere @yulia_adamova @cinzi @clownshoes @films @ryanb @otklikk @diegoleon @sumei @dasu @bertak @sojuseyo1997 @modern_nmt @halbert @nasibe @johbeil @soren-san @aysegulnazcan @benoitp @lailasdf @shime @lomosapien73 @eborroni @alfred_gerke @milchtrinken @neufotomacher @osmanr @sofiapolich @inere @diegonewtown @aleksandra_kowalska @mimi8909 @mavricich @guja @irinafalileeva123 @bunny65 @w3iwu @gabyo @sayb1910 @pangmark @opon21 @bal_lomero @anagwgos @josslen @llcooldawe @2b506e @neptunien @rivermantis @xsara @konbiw @ziudinu @alex_novak @mahoney66 @takutakubozu @dxminica @andradapavel @nickbert89 @dexton @siegmar-schoenau @freezincat @fotozwerg @hongsappfilm @kasta72 @jlgphotographie @olawojcik @tasyapramelia @nomore @cristina_badulescu @hansdemeij @biskrits @liviamitea @134340 @4coolpics @gakurou @santtu98 @chriszzm @camischereter @fong2k @annacaroline @neneohcs @schwarzesauge @da-da @24horas @marcoyeti56 @sashasanny @colnager @mila_von_prague @unendlichkeit @innaantena @gesp @leisuresuit @oukrid @malcolm_tremain @desertdwelling @mrlostsoul @aycnkrts @sfr182 @pmonroe @fabricio186 @sme @francislee @kketerinarose @robertofiuza @chud_tayor @akula @viktoriya_pobiedash @mcgloin @zorki @msvecchio @mazarb @orangebird @bravopires @andrejrusskovskij @richardk @nuo2x2 @sneige22 @meruclm @wannabereal @275 @righthandside @koduckgirl @laureanopm @crosschannel @bimuongtha @out_of_phase @scarpace87 @cisee @fabio_corsatto @007-0815-styler @kurisut0 @zartl @pred @teachkiki @awa-awa @silkiway @matchencosouth @paulsager @mushr0om__ @flamingoid @stikleryte @cadrages @neja @vicuna @n_u_m_b_f_a_c_e @thobie @luisdasilvz @salvenmedelasaguas @knoxg0312 @lomomargot @goldenirene @monicavicente @qoqphotography @uplandgame @laurastanciu @johnnymao @alex_pellicer @matheophoto @antoniapastiu @se1 @tony64 @gmushinsky @hemera @an4 @lovesickewerton @jakkr @duque @boxerclaus @zszcz @therover @kunishi @grandphilippe @rolfmg @fisheyemary @ts_ @goblin @yerzmyey @peterpan61 @stefan1mk @bcpleung @jelencitta @gheinz @masarascal @lomodesbro @kmara @goshenhank @princesspeach @okolosviat @why-yu @eemac73 @yago56 @frenchyfyl @steamtug1959 @primula @troch @100nisti @pavel_topsky @fragakis_p @scout2017 @wildholzkamera @dr_reineke @hobbylinse @rewd @alcesalces @mlchaelbexley @zenudebiker @deafness @vicccf @rik041 @ciricc @rmfs-ruegen @brine & @klawe

  13. andy998
    andy998 ·


  14. aka_papu
    aka_papu ·

    @andy998 thanks a lot!

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