Rollei 35 + Rollei Retero 400S (201909270001747-4674)

4 댓글

  1. stereograph
    stereograph ·

    Amazing! Do you remember the exposure time and aperture?

  2. belokkiri
    belokkiri ·

    Long live Rollei 35!

  3. francislee
    francislee ·

    @stereograph Thank you for your like. am using 1/4 shutter sec and f/5.6 aperture, I remember the time just passed dusk, I stand on the opposite side of the road and put the camera at a handrail to avoid my hand shake : )

  4. francislee
    francislee ·

    @belokkiri yup, it is a reliable camera, I have 2 version of this series, 35 & 35S the different is Tessar and Sonnar

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