Submission by soulcraft

This pack was a bit frustrating as it’s probably the most expensive film per shot I’ve ever used and I’d traveled hundreds of miles to use it. I kept getting this weird interference in my photos, thought it was some some chemistry issue. I eventually figured out that unless you pull the paper tape pulleys out completely, they press the emulsion as its rolling out and cause developer errors in the final development. Good learning experience although it’s on essentially priceless dead stock.

인스턴트 : 2024년 지금이 절호의 기회(Now or Never) 어워드

로모그래피 연례 사진 어워드 'TEN AND ONE 2024'의 공개 응모 라운드에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 여러분의 최고의 인스턴트 사진을 선보이고 지금이 절호의 기회(Now or Never) 카테고리의 챔피언이 되어 보세요.

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